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Handial Jagannath Mandir, Pabna, Bangladesh

Handial is a village name from the Chatmohor Upozila of Pabna district of Bangladesh. There is an old temple located in that village name Jagannath Mandir. As it is located at the Handial village, it is known as Handial Mandir too. 

It is a single door small sized temple which was built using bricks. This temple getting narrower as it is progressing upwards. Only the front wall of the temple has some terracotta. The temple is placed over a high plinth. 

From the inscription, its found that the temple was reconstructed by someone named Bhobani Proshad during 1590. But scholars are assuming that the temple was built even another 100 years before from that time. 

The whole temple premise is under a boundary. Another two newly temples are being constructed at the both side of the old temple. There is a small chariot available inside the premise. Also, a Mondop(মন্ডপ) is available for annual Durga Puja. 


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